LPA Requests Assistance to Help Save Smith Hall
/As we have reported previously, Smith Hall on the campus of the University of Kansas is in danger of being demolished and we need your help to save it! Please see our important call to action at the end of this article.
You can learn more about Smith Hall and the issues at stake in Tom Harper’s excellent article in the Lawrence Times, or one of the following pieces:
You can also view the videos shared by Lawrence Modern of the recent Save Smith Hall event:
This is a call for action. It’s important for the Chancellor, Provost and Board of Regents to hear your voice. If you value Smith Hall and what it represents we urge you to write a letter of support. Without it, a precious cultural resource and a legacy of religious thought at KU could be erased. We need your help!
Chancellor Girod: kuchancellor@ku.edu
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Barbara A. Bichelmeyer: provost@ku.edu
University Architect Mark L. Reiske: dcmmlr@ku.edu
Regent Benson: bbenson@pittsburgareachamber.com
Regent Dicus: JBDKSRegents@gmail.com
Regent Harrison-Lee: KRegentCH@gmail.com
Regent Ice: Carl.Ice@BNSF.com
Regent Kiblinger: regentkiblinger@cox.net
Regent Lane: KsRegentCL@gmail.com
Regent Mendoza: mendoza.diana@usd443.org
Regent Rolph: regentrolph@gmail.com
Regent Winter: wwinter@stevensbrand.com
President Flanders: bflanders@ksbor.org