
The mission of Lawrence Preservation Alliance is to preserve historically significant buildings and natural environments, and to educate the community about the benefits of historic preservation.


The LPA was incorporated in 1984 as a not-for-profit organization.

A history of the early years of the LPA (1984-1990) is available as a PDF here.

An archive of photos, news clippings and other documents of the early history of the LPA is available in PDF format: Vol. 1; Vol. 2.

Board Members

LPA Officers
Mike Delaney - President
Patrick Watkins - Vice President
Toni Clogston - Treasurer
Michelle Compton - Secretary

Dennis Brown - Past President

LPA Board
Michael Arp
Amanda Davis
Katie Gates
GW Weld
Chris Millspaugh
Ifeloju Olusanya
Daron Sinkler
Verdell Taylor Jr.
Amy Van de Riet
Leslie VonHolten

Emeriti Board Members
Dennis Domer
Marci Francisco

St. Luke AME Church, 900 NEW YORK ST, LAWRENCE, KS

St. Luke AME Church, 900 NEW YORK ST, LAWRENCE, KS