LPA Contractor Directory

Douglas County Craftspeople with Expertise in Historic Preservation:

This is a list of craftspeople who have submitted our application form. Please note that the list is open to any business that submits the required information. This listing is provided as a courtesy to local contractors and potential customers. Companies and individuals listed here are NOT endorsed or vetted by LPA. If the business provides financial support to LPA through annual membership, it is indicated on their listing.

Before hiring a contractor, we highly recommend that you: 

1)    Request and check references, including references from individuals currently working with these craftspeople.

2)    Check the contractor’s city license status at https://lawrenceks.org/pds/contractor-license-search/. Contractors who are required to hold a city license include general, building and residential contractors, framing, concrete, roofing, mechanical (HVAC), plumbing, electrical, fireplace and energy conservation inspectors and companies. (For more information on city licensing requirements, see (https://assets.lawrenceks.org/pds/devservices/bsd/licensing/pds-bsd-Art-15-9634.pdf

Some craftspeople are not required to hold a license, including those working as a painter, tile setter or “handyperson.” If you are not certain if a license is needed, call the City of Lawrence: (785) 832-7700.

3)   Ask for proof of insurance.

This listing is provided as a courtesy to local contractors and potential customers. Companies and individuals listed here are NOT endorsed or vetted by LPA

If you are a local contractor who works on historic properties and would like to be listed in this directory, click here.

Click the + button on the right for more information about each contractor

LPA Members


This listing is provided as a courtesy to local contractors and potential customers. Companies and individuals listed here are NOT endorsed or vetted by LPA